Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Travel Update

151 days to go until I jet off to the UK!
It's a bit chilly today in Brisbane, I'm wondering how I'll cope with their Autumn weather!

As I've been doing my family research I've found that many of my ancestors come from the Cumberland region (the north of england, not far from the Scottish border). Here are some of the towns relevant to own history, if I can make the time I'll be visiting them. :)

(HINT! Click on each town and it will take you to the relevant websites!)




Social Networking Tools

I can see huge possibilities for libraries who use social networking tools, particularly in the way they communicate, interact and market themselves. This form of communication is in the early trial stages at my place of work and it's only now it seems, that management appear to be considering it a valid aspect of an employee's normal work day. The fact that we are being given time during the work day to complete License to Test Drive is testiment to these changing attitudes.

From what I can see, my place of work echoes that of Australian public libraries in general, we're getting there! Academic libraries on the other hand have been using social networking tools for some time. The reason? Their users, the ones they want to attract to the service use these tools on a daily basis, it makes sense to meet them in their world. As people outside the "generation y" or student demographic begin to and continue to use these tools I think we'll see a huge increase in the number of public libraries using them as well to attract and service their clients.

Those of us in public libraries REALLY need to jump on the web 2.0 bandwagon and learn what these tools are all about. As with all trends, the tools being used will change. Twitter for example, seems to be taking over Facebook in terms of popularity. I think the most important thing that libraries need to realise is that these trends DO change and they change at an increasingly rapid rate. Public libraries really need to make sure that they don't fall into the trap of taking SO long to evaluate and test a product that by the time it is approved the users have moved on to the next big thing!

Another thing we need to be wary of is remembering to "let go"! Let's face it, libraries tend to stick to their guns, we do something and we do it well and typically we'll hold onto it for years to come (card catalogue anyone?!) I guess what I'm trying to say is that "sure, you've created a Facebook page, that's great". But if it's not being used or contributed to, get rid of it, otherwise you'll end up being a library with an image problem- at least amongst the very people you want to atract to the service!

People moving in the "web 2.0 age" are all about getting what they want now, and they usually want it yesterday, they also move from using one product to another in the blink of an eye. I'm not saying this is necessarily a healthy thing, but it's an increasingly frantic world and to keep up and maintain our relevance in this environment is vital.

Ahem.... well I didn't mean to turn this into a rant........

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

LSS staff have it!

The majority of LSS staff have signed up for the License to Test Drive program, fantastic! Some have gotten as far as test drive 3, some are on test drive 1, but they're all going well. I think once they get the hang of it they'll really enjoy blogging, certainly their blog titles are creative!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Blogs, Wikis and More, Oh my!

Well this is my third test drive. I've enjoyed the program so far and think it will be a useful tool for people who are just starting out in their web 2.0 adventure. So far, I've signed up for Mary's SLQ wiki and written a thrilling post (not!!) so I'm sure you will all want to go and read it!!? I've also been helping the LSS staff to set up their first couple of test drives. I think once they've gotten the hang of it they'll really enjoy it. Who knows, they may even want to go home and set up their own blogs. (I certainly hope so).

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dunnotar Castle

Dunnotar Castle Revisited, originally uploaded by bgladman.

After years of waiting...and waiting...and waiting... I am finally headed off to the UK this year! The image I've uploaded is of Dunnotar Castle in Scotland. I came across an article about it a couple of weeks ago and decided it was a place I HAD to visit!

Dunnotar Castle is set on lands inhabited by the Picts sometime between 5000 BC and 700 AD. The castle itself has been visited by many famous figures, including Mary Queen of Scots and William Wallace (of Braveheart fame). Many gruesome events have occured at the castle, including the infamous "Whiggs Vault" where a group of Covenanters who refused to recognise the King as their spiritual leader were imprisoned.

I CANNOT wait to visit this place to see if the echoes of history can still be felt...............eeeeeeek!!! LOL.

22nd April PS. I got so carried away by this image that I forgot to blog about the concept of sharing images online! Like all the web 2.0 stuff I've dabbled in this before and promptly forgotten to use it again once the novelty has worn off (except for Facebook, which I use all the time.) I can definitely see the benefits to libraries, particularly public and academic ones and would like to see my POW engage in this type of communication. I think online photo sharing is a great form of marketing and how better to encourage those who don't traditionally use a library to step foot in one, particularly if the images are ones that encourage the notion of the library as a welcoming place (without the SHHHHHH factor!)

Now that I've been re-introduced to the concept I think I'll also set up an account for family when I make the big trip overseas later this year (you didn't think I'd go a whole post without mentioning it, did you?!) so they can see what I'm up to and where I've been. It'll be a great way of keeping all my photos organised as well.

Until next time~ Corporate Chik ~ is signing off! x

My Web 2.0 Journey

My job in a special library requires that I be up to date with new and emerging technologies. I've been reading library blogs for a number of years now and came across the term web 2.0 after reading a blog by one of the "American librarian gurus" -Michael Stephens, Karen Schneider, Jenny Levine- I can't remember which! I was interested in the concept right away and began blogging. Blog writing has never been my forte however (I'm not much good at keeping a diary either) and I've started and discontinued a number of them! Fingers crossed I am better with this one!!

I've been encouraging staff at my current workplace to learn more about web 2.0 technologies and the License to Test Drive program was the opportunity. I'll be acting as a bit of a mentor for my colleagues but at the same time I hope to learn something new too! I'm particularly looking forward to working on podcasts and vodcasts. (and would love a laptop too- HINT Mary!!! hehe just kidding!!)

Anyway, until next time, I'm signing off.

Library Chik xx